Working together with a diverse group of members, we absorb new things 多種多様のメンバーと協力し合いながら、新しいものを吸収していく


Jason Nathaniel

As a student, I studied computer science and worked for about a year at a company developing ERP services for hospitals. Later, during my job search, I came across Reazon and became interested in the company's goal of globalization and becoming the world's number one company, and decided to join the company. 学生時代は、コンピューターサイエンスを学び、病院のERPサービス展開する企業で約1年働きました。その後就職活動をしていく中でレアゾンに出会い、グローバル化を目指し、世界一の企業になることを目標に掲げていることへ興味を持ち、入社を決意。

Many opportunities to engage with other departments and incorporate diverse opinions 他部署と関わる機会が多く、多様な意見を取り入れることが出来る

Currently, I am a member of the microservices team for "menu". I am involved in a wide range of tasks, such as infrastructure management, service management and development, and the introduction of new technologies, in preparation for the shift to microservices, so every day is fulfilling.

I often communicate with members of other departments and receive direct feedback from non-development professionals, so I can quickly find areas for improvement and update them with a sense of speed.



Work in a stress-free environment with a diverse group of members 多種多様のメンバーが揃い、ストレスのない環境で働く

I think the most attractive thing about Reazon is the personalities of its employees. You are free to choose what you want to do, and if you consult with the members around you, you will also receive careful support so that you can face your career with a firm focus.

We also have a very relaxed working environment, as long as it is accompanied by results, and we have members from a variety of backgrounds and multinationals.



I want to hone my linguistic skills as well as my knowledge acquisition. 知識の習得だけではなく、言語化能力も磨きたい

First, I would like to concentrate on acquiring the skills necessary for my current job. Then, I would like to use the skills I have acquired there to challenge myself in new fields, not only in the area of engineering.

I would also like to acquire the ability to verbalize my thoughts accurately to others. There is a language specific to engineers, so I try to speak in a way that is understandable to people of all professions as much as possible.




What I value


Keep an eye out and experience a variety of things アンテナを貼り、様々な経験をする

Usually, I play games, hang out with friends, and do many other things. Also, sometimes a solution to unfinished work suddenly occurs to me, so I write it down each time or solve it on the spot when I have time, always keeping my antennae wide open.


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